monday 12 may 2011,I am going to my home town probolinnggo it is pleasure and I want to visit mount bromo to know wheater still eruption and the the fact Bromo mount just small eruption it is not dangerous.the visitors begin come arrive to see sunset and sunrise although most of them local visitors but there are from abroad also and people in bromo [society tengger] doing activity as usual.right know tengger people tengger come around in the feed of Bromo mount in front of pura praying together they wish to the god assurance their live and villagers and I'm pray too for that,oh ya in here I meet old friend he is live in here and he was take me to the him strawbery garden it is five kilometer from pananjakan because this session to pick up strawbery wow I'm glad,about twenty minute by motor cycle and then wala.....strawbery garden in front of me. wonderful I pickup one sweet and fress.About three hours I was in the strawbery garden my friend took me to other garden,garden apple It was amazing apple three grow up well. it is because the charateristtic land bromo and the air perfect for two kind of the plan.the day entering afternoon I ask my companion to bring me back to my motel.
In the afternoon about 5pm Im in beranda hotel cemoro lawang I try to enjoy my afternoon with coffe cup and waiting sunset it is wonderfull,luky me the climate is good soo I can see the bromo mount clearly and slowly the sun going to bed because all the day shining earht my be tired,I'm enjoy my coffe bromo oh bromo,a coffe cup in BROMO my memory
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yadnya kasado ceremony or kasodo memorial to plead descent one years to honor god of mount BRAHMA(bromo)this is holy ritual for tenger etnic.the location ceremony in pura feed of north mount bromo and the continue to the top of mount bromo it is begin in the middle of night every full moon about 14 in the calender etnic tengger(about september until december)kasado mean to 10,calender tengger it is not the same with the calender moslem which base on rotation month or calender which we use every days on base rotation sun they have rule to make their calender,every four years people tengger meeting together discus to decide calender for next four years.
Legend kasodo ceremony began from two young couple jaka seger married rara anteng (tengger are combination both of their name)Rara Anteng was the princes Brawijaya king in the 14 century,they were happy until they were sad because they hadn't child the they going to BROMO mount pray to god of BROMO mount asked child,god of bromo gave them children until 25 kids but Rara anteng and joko seger had promise to sacrificial the last child in to caldera bromo and joko seger and roro anteng keep their promise to sacrifice the last child to caldera bromo not finish after that the child scream from the deep of caldera to make sacrifice in the date 14 on the kasodo calender,that kasodo had began until konw,24 joko seger and rara anteng kids become forefather people tengger right now.
route FROM lumajang ranu pane-senduro actualy this route purpose to climb semeru mount and to bromo mount as bonus if you bring car go to senduro town (about 22 km west direction lumajang city)on the way to senduro you can visit selokambang nature bathe if you are arrive in the afternoon better way you take rest in hotel or hire people house and you can take walk see pura mandara giri or going to the traditional market buy banana agung.
the next you can go to ranu pane by pass black forest in here you must be carefull because the street was narrow and slick in here you can go to semeru mount but if you want to bromo continue the way to njemplang way,from njemplang follow the route down in here you must be careful because the way enough only for one car and make sure the gasoline full and others (because no one sell food,drink and gasoline here}and then you will pass call watu kuto it is savana don't turn light fire of any kind or do not throw smoke because the savana are dry,after you pass watukutho in front of you is sea sand bromo tengger,this way just for you who like challange adventure.